My Father.
today is my dad's birthday. he was born exactly 48 years ago. i always love how he is almost exactly 30 years older than i am (because i never have to think twice to remember how many wise years he owns).
i have an amazing papa - and i have come to repect and admire him a whole bunch. i can easily fill a book with all that he has taught me, his funny quirks, and his life experiences (and one day, maybe i will); but right now, i think i will just boast (or brag) a little with all this pride i feel. =)
my father loves God. he loves Him with all his heart, and you can tell when you watch him pray. you can also see it when he worships (often singing off key). ;) one day i want to capture that look, but many times it seems so reverent and too special to interrupt with the sound of a shutter.
my dad is a teacher. when 'my old man' (no offense!) has a passion for something, i want to be the first one to sit down and learn what he hast to say! if there were 2 words that would be his 'soundtrack' to would be Carpe Diem. seize the day. i was taught that seizing today starts with glorifying God, then is closly followed up with how i relate to my family, my friends, and even total strangers.
my papa is handsome! (...notice the exclamation point) and he is almost all mine. =D You see, i have to share him with 2 other girls here. Well - technically - he's my mom's. but she has to share....a little bit.
i can easily to on and on about his amazing adjectives. i feel so luck to be a daughter to a really amazing guy! i get to have my inbox filled an amazing quote, and i also get to see him serve on a regular basis. i get to be the one doubling over in laughter because of an impromptu song, and i also get to see him when he is grumpy with bed hair. ;) all in all = i am so thankful!
i pray that i grow to be as patient, funny, smart, creative, discerning, tactful, and as much of a leader as him. Gary Anthony Wayne. MY dad.
here is an email that he sent this you all get to be inspired - in his own words. ;D enjoy!
"Great minds have purpose, others have wishes." -- Washington Irving, American Author
Do you think you have “purpose” in your life? Do you have “wishes” that you hope will come true someday?
Ask yourself the following questions: “Am I living my life with purpose – actually intentionally living with certain actions & behaviors that I am in control of? Or am I living my life more as a general floating around without my direct control with hopes & wishes that might become reality some day if I get lucky?
Most of the world lives within the realm of the second question above. God wants us to live our lives each & every day with a “yes” answer to the first question above. We have the choice as to the mindset we want to implement – and when we implement the correct & godly mindset, then God has more active involvement in our lives and the Holy Spirit can move more powerfully. All we need to do is be open to God’s Spirit by intentionally inviting Him into our lives each day and having control over our emotions & our actions. If we align our actions with God’s commands, He will bless us and we will live a fuller & more abundant & peaceful life. If we live according to our emotions and we live more selfishly, then God will allow natural circumstances to pervade our lives and it will not be peaceful and it will not be in deep fellowship or communion with Him.
In other words, we will reap the life that we sow. So let’s plant seeds of purposeful thought. Seeds of actions & behaviors that God will be pleased with and that will honor Him. Seeds of living life with a definite purpose that great minds possess.
Are we living life or letting life happen to us?
Let’s have the mind of Yeshua. Let’s ask God to develop our minds into His purpose – a great purpose!
Love you all,